The goal of the Code of Conduct is to set behavioral expectations for our employees, customers, vendors, and business partners. Common sense and common decency is at the heart of it. This code is intended to encourage and facilitate constructive conversation to allow a safe, healthy, productive culture to thrive. At its core is the understanding that there is always room for improvement and growth.
This Code supplements the larger framework of the Employee Handbook, which covers employment practices, employee compensation & benefits, performance & professional development, and other employee responsibilities.
Stoneface expects that its employees, customers, vendors, and business partners promote a spirit of decency, respect, cooperation, and teamwork. Furthermore, we expect employees to be respectful to all with whom we interact by exercising common sense and good judgment, and conducting themselves professionally, ethically, and responsibly.
Common expectations include the following behaviors:
· Treat others professionally and respect their personal wellbeing, space, and property.
· Maintain positive and professional relationships with open discussions, mindful listening, constructive feedback, productive problem solving, and collaboration.
· Participate and contribute to a positive and inclusive work environment, free of discrimination, harassment, and hostile behaviors. Opinions rooted in discrimination, oppression, or inferiority will not be tolerated.
· Speak up when the actions of others violate, discriminate, harass, or oppress individuals or groups, without fear of retaliation.
These expectations permeate on and off the job, in and out of the workplace, and inside and outside of working hours. Failure to uphold the expectations set forth in the Code of Conduct could result in disciplinary action for employees, up to and including termination, and consequences for non-employees, up to and including removal from the premises, temporarily or permanently, and termination of the working relationship.
Any form of abusive conduct, including but not limited to the use of derogatory remarks, insults, verbal, physical or written contact, that a person would find threatening, intimidating, or humiliating is deemed unacceptable. While it is not practical to list every possible action that might cause Stoneface to decide to discipline or terminate an employee, or refuse to do business with a customer, vendor, or supplier, we have listed examples of the types of behavior that may lead to corrective action. This list is a sampling and is not to be considered conclusive.
· Discrimination or any offensive conduct towards others, including belittling or subtle or overt expressions of bias
· Bullying, intimidation, coercion, or victimization
· Verbal, physical, or written abuse or assault
· Retaliation or threats of retaliation
· Acts of aggression or violence, including fighting, threatening actions, or use of threatening, abusive or profane language
· Dishonesty, deception, or fraud
· Sustained disruption of discussion
· Willful disobedience, insubordination, or improper performance of duties
· Conflicts of interest, defined as business, romantic, familiar, or otherwise
· Violation of, or failure to, comply with Stoneface rules, procedures, and policies
· Illegal activity including, but not limited to, theft or trespassing
· Violation of safety rules or recklessness that endangers people or property
· Deliberate damage to, destruction of, or removal of Stoneface property without authorization
· Inappropriate use of company property or assets
· Misuse of company information, funds, or trade secrets
· Falsification of Stoneface records or unauthorized modification, copying, or removal of physical or electronic records
· Tampering with or removal of authorized notices
· Possession of weapons or dangerous materials on Stoneface property
· Being under the influence of illegal drugs on Stoneface premises or during work hours
· Use, sale, or possession of illegal drugs on Stoneface premises
· Frequent tardiness or excessive absenteeism, or absence or failure to report during working hours without permission
· Conducting personal tasks on Stoneface time without permission
· Any other improper conduct as determined by the management of Stoneface
· Harassment or discriminatory behavior including, but not limited to:
o Offensive conduct or commentaries related to a person’s race, color, creed, religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, national origin, ancestry, age, mental or physical disability, mental illness, neurodivergence, physical appearance, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, military/veteran status, and caregiver status
o Physical contact or simulated physical contact without consent
o Unwelcome sexual attention, advances, or physical or simulated physical contact without consent
o Inappropriate social contact, such as requesting or assuming inappropriate levels of intimacy with others
o Unwanted physical contact, such as hugging, neck massage, blocking/impeding movement, etc.
o Stalking, following, or leering
o Written, verbal, electronic, or graphic conduct of a sexual, violent, harassing, or discriminatory nature
§ Sexually oriented or deliberately discriminatory language, images, gestures, jokes, or behavior
§ Offensive or unwelcome sexual flirtations, sexual advances, or propositions
§ Demands to submit to sexual requests or offering benefits in exchange for sexual favors
§ Continued attempts of physical contact or one-on-one communication after requests to cease
§ Deliberate mis-gendering or use of rejected names
§ Racial or ethnic slurs or disparaging words used to describe an individual
§ Deliberate “outing” of any aspect of a person’s identity without their consent except as necessary to protect vulnerable people from intentional abuse
§ Threats of violence, incitement of violence (including self-harm), or deliberate intimidation
§ Publication of non-harassing private communication
§ Harassing photography or recordings, including logging online activity for harassment purposes
Stoneface is committed to providing a workplace where all employees, customers, vendors, and business partners can work in a cooperative, respectful, and professional atmosphere that is free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.
In keeping with this commitment, Stoneface maintains a strict policy prohibiting harassment and discrimination in the workplace based on any characteristic, whether protected by applicable law or not. Any harassment on any of these bases by any employee at any level and by any third parties such as customers, vendors, suppliers, business partners, or visitors will not be tolerated. This policy applies to all form of interactions including physical, verbal, electronic, and graphic.
Sexual Harassment defined
Sexual harassment refers to behavior of a sexual nature, whether done on purpose or not, that is unwelcome and personally offensive to the receiver. Sexual harassment is a form of behavior that is disrespectful and demeaning to another person and breaks down the employment relationship. Sexual harassment includes the following types of behavior. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when:
· Submission to or rejection of such advances, request or conduct is made either explicitly or affecting an individual; or
· Such advance, request, or conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably substantially interfering with an individual’s work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, humiliating, or sexually offensive working environment.
The legal definition of sexual harassment is broad and in addition to the above examples, other sexually oriented conduct, whether it is intended or not, that is unwelcome and has the effect of creating a workplace environment that is hostile, offensive, intimidating, or humiliating may also constitute sexual harassment.
Please also note that the Company may take corrective, disciplinary, and/or remedial action in response to conduct the Company deems unacceptable, regardless of whether the conduct meets the definition of harassment or discrimination as described in this policy.
Other Harassment defined
Stoneface will not tolerate any harassment of or by an employee on all bases, not just those described above.
Personal relationships, defined as either romantic, familiar, business, or otherwise, can create specific and serious issues at work. A conflict of interest or the potential for a conflict of interest may be established if the individuals concerned occupy positions at any level (higher or lower) in the same line of authority that may affect employment decisions. They may also occur across departments, should the individuals’ roles intersect and the potential to hinder performance occurs.
We understand that sometimes personal relationships (defined as romantic or intimate) may form in the workplace. Should this occur it is the responsibility and obligation of the employees involved to promptly disclose the existence of the relationship to the Co-Founders. Employees who fail to disclose personal relationships which cause a conflict of interest may be disciplined for such actions, up to and including termination. If a prospective employee has an existing relationship with a Stoneface employee, this too must be disclosed prior to hiring. Further, hiring of potential conflicts of interest (romantic relationships or family members) requires management’s pre-approval.
Mandatory Reporting Procedure
While we encourage employees to work out their differences directly with one another, we require reporting of conduct believed to violate harassment or discrimination policies, regardless of the perceived severity.
Reports of harassment or discrimination must be made to management (defined as your direct supervisor, any manager you feel comfortable with, HR, or the Co-Founders). Reports may be made verbally or in writing and will be held in the strictest of confidence.
Supervisors Obligation to Report
Every supervisor who learns of any employee’s concern about conduct in violation of this Code, whether in a formal complaint or informally, must immediately report the issues raised to HR & the Co-Founders. Reports may be made verbally or in writing.
Retaliation & Reporter Policy
All employees should take special note that retaliation against an individual who has reported harassment or discrimination and retaliation against any individuals for cooperating with an investigation is prohibited and will lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Retaliatory behavior must be reported so that it may be promptly investigated & addressed.
A complaint made in good faith will, under no circumstances, be grounds for disciplinary action. Individuals who make complaints that they know to be false may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
Reports of harassment or discrimination will be investigated as thoroughly, carefully, impartially, and confidentially as possible. Investigations will typically include interviews with the person(s) making the report and other involved individuals and witnesses. Employees are expected to cooperate fully and honestly with investigations and exercise confidentially and professionalism.
When the investigation is complete, to the extent appropriate, the Company will inform only the person(s) who made the report and the person(s) alleged to have engaged in the conduct, to the extent of the appropriate outcome, of the investigation.
If it is determined that inappropriate conduct has occurred, the Company will take appropriate remedial action, including disciplinary action and, in cases where permitted, legal intervention.
Employees in violation of this Code of Conduct or company policies will face corrective action including, but not limited to, a request for behavioral change, coaching, verbal or written warning, suspension, or termination.
Customers, vendors, and business partners who fail to adhere to our expected behaviors will face a request for behavioral change, and may face removal from the premises, temporarily or permanently, and termination of the working relationship.
Stoneface is committed to continuing to create a welcoming environment for all employees, customers, vendors, and business partners. Achieving the goal of the Code of Conduct is an ongoing exercise that is the responsibility of all individuals who work at and interact with the company. Adhering to high standards of behavior and decency will ensure that Stoneface continues to thrive and grow as a safe, healthy, and productive culture.